Sunday, January 29, 2012

Emperor's New Clothes: Tailor speaks again!

Chris Ham in the Guardian:

The time for grandstanding about the bill has passed. The challenge now is to carve out a path to implementing the reforms that brings about necessary improvements in patient care at a realistic pace. If this means modifying the direction and speed of change in response to legitimate concerns, then it will be a small price to pay to deliver an outcome that is good for patients.

Market Forces and Choice is suppose to give us better value with our shopping, the OFT judged that nine companies  colluded to rig the price of cheese and milk in 2002 and 2003. The scandal is thought to have cost consumers about £270m. The OFT had intended to fine the guilty parties more than £116m, but reduced the penalties after a period of consultation. The consumers did not get any of the millions. Yet the NHS Reform is still pushing ahead with similar ideas.
                                     Guardian: OFT dairy price-fixing fine

Not that long ago: the same tailor!

Parliament debate: Public Bill Committee

Chris Ham"May I add something briefly? The big question is not whether GP commissioners need expert advice or patient input or other sources of information. The big problem that we have had over the past 20 years, in successive attempts to apply market principles in the NHS, has been the fundamental weakness of commissioning, whether done by managers or GPs, and whether it has been fundholding or total purchasing."                             

“………The barriers include government policies that risk further fragmenting care rather than supporting closer integration. Particularly important in this respect are NHS Foundation Trusts based on acute hospitals only, the system of payment by results that rewards additional hospital activity, and practice based commissioning that, in the wrong hands, could accentuate instead of reduce divisions between primary and secondary care.”

NHS-Kaiser Permanente: A Class! Seriously!

NHS: The Way We Were! Free!
FREE eBook: Just drop me a line with your email.

Email: cockroachcatcher (at) gmail (dot) com.

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